





Jason A. Hudson

(850) 532-7299

I have been in Maintenance for over 25 years and hold certifications in HVAC, Law Enforcment, and Management( prior CAM). I perform most repairs on all equipment. My background is in residential, commercial, hotels and construction. I can solve your problem so why haven't you called me.

The 53rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team is an infantry brigade combat team of the Florida Army National Guard. The 53rd Infantry Brigade is the largest National Guard unit in the state of Florida. The brigade was one of fifteen enhanced readiness brigades, designed and trained to support active duty divisions. The brigade includes 32 units in Florida and Alabama with 4,166 authorized personnel. 

If your my age (50) then you know how messed up the kids coming up today are. It doesn't look to much different then us. My dad got messed up in Vietnam, came back a severe alcoholic and left us when I was 6. I could write a second book just on what happened to me and I will bet anything that the person reading this has there own stories to tell. By the literal grace of GOD himself I was saved, don't worry I'm not here to convert you. That's on you. He helped me remove all of the chaos from my life and create a safe, warm, loving environment for my 15-year-old daughter to grow up in. Now, fast forward and you get a 25-year-old college student that's halfway through. She also is employed full time at the Highschool that she graduated from and teaching special needs children. That's what she is going to school for. Want to know how We did it in today's mad world. Well, It's in this book. I wrote it for her in case I died. It's an Interactive Guide that includes the reader in the solving of most of life's issues. Read it and use it and it can and will change your kids lives and also yours. It took me 10 years to produce this book. Its pure love and truth. It comes in 3 versions. 1. digital version(email), 2. Hard copy(unprotected version)( pictured here), 3. Hard copy (protected version) The protected version comes with plastic sheet covering on each page like the Original hand written book. Email, Message, Text me or call for shipping details or  I'm always ready to help or give advice and will answer your correspondence. If your interested in the book and think it might help you, it is for sale for 1.00 digital version,  10.00 (unprotected version, 15.00( protected version) email/text/call with your correct address and name for shipping. Shipping & Handling is 10.00 per book anywhere in the USA but Alaska and Hawaii.  Payment links below.   UNPROTECTED VERSION 10.00+S&H   PROTECTED VERSION 15.00+S&H